Cybersecurity Awareness Blog
Find the best information on how to protect your organization against cyber threats and empower team members to take an active role within your organization.

5 Things You Can Do to Drive the Ongoing Success of Your Cyber Awareness Program
You’ve successfully started your team on their cyber awareness journey but don’t know how to keep the momentum going? We’ve created a list of the top 5 things you can do to keep your teams interested and engaged when learning about cybersecurity.

New EU Study Proves Employees are an Organization’s Best First Line of Defense
A recent EU study supports Beauceron Security’s position that employees are an organization’s best first line of defense. Keep reading to learn the details of the study and how organizations can benefit from phishing their employees.

Beauceron Security's 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions
This year we sat down with Beauceron Security CEO, David Shipley, and asked him what his 2022 cybersecurity predictions are. You can listen to David’s full predictions below or keep reading to see a condensed version of what we believe the 2022 cyber landscape may have in store.

Looking Back on 2021
Join us as we take a look at the predictions we made last year for what the 2021 cyber threat landscape would look like and see which came true and which ones weren’t as big a threat as predicted. To view the 2021 Cybersecurity Predictions blog, click here.

Dear Ransomware Gangs: An Open Letter to Cyber Criminals
Last week was an important week for Canada’s stance against ransomware gangs. On Monday, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security released their “Open letter to Canadian organizations about ransomware.” On Tuesday, CBC’s As it Happens reported on the recent arrest of an Ottawa man allegedly accused of participating in a ransomware gang. Beauceron Security CEO, David Shipley, was interviewed by As it Happens and gave his perspective on the situation.
To listen to David’s full interview with As it Happens, click here.

How to Foster Positive Behavioral Change
While it may be easy to place the blame on people for data breaches and other cybersecurity incidents, the truth is that people are an organization’s first and best line of defense. Instead of viewing people as the victim, or punishing them for risky cyber behavior, it’s time to change the narrative and instead focus on empowering them through a cybersecurity culture that focuses on positive behavioral change.

Ransomware Basics
Ransomware, or ransom malware locks users out of their device or just certain files which can only be decrypted in exchange for a ransom. Back in the 1980s when ransomware attacks were just beginning to appear, cybercriminals would accept payment by mail. However, today payments are made via cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In the early days of ransomware, cybercriminals mostly targeted individuals, but gradually shifted to targeting businesses small and large which offered a higher pay out. You don’t even need to be especially technologically talented to become a ransomware attacker now with the growth of ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS).

Data Encryption and Ransomware
Data encryption is a way to keep your data safe by changing it from plain text to ciphertext. Encrypted data can be accessed by someone who has an encryption key and decrypted data can be accessed with a decryption key. Unencrypted data remains a liability and cyber risk for organizations in the event that a ransomware gang steals their data and publishes it online.

How to Stay Cybersafe During the Holidays
Before jumping head-first into the holiday season, be sure to consult the holiday checklist provided to ensure you make cybersafe decisions.

Phishing for Your Information: Spear-Phishing and Whaling Explained
Did you know that 91% of cyber attacks are spear-phishing attacks? This makes them the most dangerous threat to individuals and organizations alike. In this blog, we define what spear phishing and whaling are, how to recognize a potential attack and how to protect yourself and your organization.

5 Emotions Used in Social Engineering
Are you being bombarded with phishing emails? Are you worried even the most basic phish can infiltrate your organization? In this blog, we explain how social engineering works, how cybercriminals target your emotions and how to spot a potential phish.

Zero-Day Vulnerability
A zero-day vulnerability is a software security flaw that is known to the software vendor but doesn’t have a patch in place to fix the flaw and can be exploited by cybercriminals

The Benefits of Enabling SSO
Online services require different usernames, passwords and security questions. Managing all these credentials can be challenging, even for SMBs.
That’s why 70% of Beauceron Platform users prefer Single Sign-On (SSO) as opposed to manually entering their credentials each time they log into the Platform.
SSO speeds up the process of authentication without compromising security measures. Once SSO is enabled – forget about it! The heavy lifting is no longer on SOC’s shoulders and is the responsibility of a third-party authenticator or identity provider.

Phishing for Your Information: Smishing and Vishing Explained
Did you know that 85% of phishing attacks are happening over SMS messaging, gaming, social and productivity apps and over the phone? Continue reading to find out how you can protect yourself from smishing and vishing attacks and what to do if you’ve fallen for one.